1. Fees are payable monthly in advance and no later than a Pupils first class of each new month. If your child turns up to class without the fee having been paid, and unless you have a prior written agreement with Stepz regarding fee payment, they will not be allowed to participate.
2. Fees are based on a monthly basis, dates the school is closed, dance camps, parties and workshops are indicated on the Stepz annual timetable online. You would not have to pay for Bank Holidays and refunds would be given if for whatever reason a class does not take place. If your child is sick or injured, you will not be refunded unless a doctor’s note is provided.
3. You can pay via Cash, Cheque or Bank Transfer, to the following account; Sort Code 089300 Account 13418029
(Please write the students name on the back of any cheques, the use of Internet Banking must clearly state student name.)
4. Receipts can be provided upon request. Fees are subject to change; however, you will be given a minimum of 30 days’ notice of any decrease/increase in fees.
5. Any new students who sign up following the release of the terms and conditions are required to pay a £15.00 registration fee. Once registered as a Stepz pupil you will receive a Stepz School of Dance membership card.
6. I will assume that your child’s class attendance will follow on to the next term, unless advised otherwise. 30 days’ written notice must be given for any absence i.e. holiday, special event.
7. 30 days written notice to the Principal is required for any pupil wishing to discontinue any class or leave the school. If the required notice is not received, the full payment of the pupil’s fees for the following month will be due.
8. Should any pupil wish to discontinue any class or leave the school within the month, refunds for any unused classes will not be given.
9. Prior permission must be sought for any pupil wishing to participate in any external dance classes or competitions, to prevent a breach of the IDTA rules.
10. Parents who book private lessons, whether for competitions, show dances, exam coaching or otherwise, must pay in advance for these classes when they are booked. Refunds will not be given in the event of the pupil does not attend a pre-booked private lesson.
11. Pupils are required to attend class wearing the correct clothing, i.e. dance wear, Stepz wear, active wear. Footwear must be worn for Rock n Roll and Street Dance. No jewellery is permitted to be worn other than stud earing’s, any other body piercings should be covered to prevent injury.
12. Please ensure that your child goes to the toilet before class and brings a drink into the studio, so that they are not constantly going in and out. Students should drink plenty of water and ensure they keep their energy levels up by eating healthy snacks in between classes. If a child wants to leave the studio for any reason permission must be given by a teacher. Also, if students hurt themselves in class or feel unwell at any point, they should tell their teacher immediately.
13. Try not to forget any belongings, we will always collect anything we clearly see has been left by a Stepz a pupil however we do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage to property left on the premises. Please throw any rubbish away in the bins provided and to keep noise to a minimal outside the dance studio.
14. Stepz will work towards IDTA examinations. Pupils will only be entered when they have reached the required standard decided by the teacher.
15. Fees for exams must be returned by the deadline on the form. Late fees will incur a £5.00 administration charge, assuming the IDTA will accept a late entry.
16. Stepz endeavour to ensure that your children are dancing in a safe and comfortable environment. We ask you to bring and collect your child promptly and provide us with written details of changes in drop off/pick up arrangements, special medical needs etc.
17. Pupils will not be allowed to leave the dance areas until they are collected. Should you wish your child to be allowed to leave unsupervised parents must let the Principal Teacher know.
18. All students must be registered for the classes they attend. Unregistered children will not be allowed to participate in the class.
19. Please ensure that Stepz receives any changes to pupil’s contact details. All details will be held in strict confidentiality (Data Protection Act 2018) and will not be passed on to outside parties except to the IDTA for children doing dancing exams.
20. Mobile phones can be bought into the studio but must be put away in bags, pockets etc. Authorisation by a teacher must be given for a pupil to use their mobile phone in a class. Filming and photography are not allowed except by permission and with the discretion of the teacher.
21. If a pupil does not show respect to their teachers, they will be asked to leave the class immediately, only to return to the class with an apology and a change of attitude. Behaviour will be monitored, and pupils may be asked to leave the school if consistent bad behaviour continues. A pupil will be asked to leave without notice for any serious breach of the school’s terms and conditions or for any other serious misconduct.
22. The school does not discriminate on background, race or religion and regularly monitors staff, who are IDTA fully trained or in training and are DBS checked. Stepz adheres to Health and Safety procedures to ensure that each child dances in a class appropriate to their level of development.
23. From time to time it is necessary for the teachers to use physical contact when helping to improve pupils’ posture or assist in movements. This includes physical contact between students i.e. holding hands, lifting legs, stretching toes.
24. I understand and give consent to use photographs and video recordings for press and promotional development of the school, usually used on social media platforms i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Stepz website. (If at any point a child or parent changes their mind regarding the above and is unhappy with this, then it is the parent’s responsibility to let the Principal Teacher know and an immediate resolution can be actioned going forward.)
25. Stepz is not registered as a body that offers childcare, therefore a parent or carer/guardian should remain on the premises with a child under 8 years is in class. Any special requirements must be agreed between the parent and Principal Teacher.
26. By enrolling my son/daughter into Stepz School of Dance, I confirm that I accept the above terms and conditions.